Caetano Notari

What is the status of global digital inclusion

by Caetano Notari May 31, 2012 Digital Inclusion
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Even though several governments did a nice effort over the last 10 years pushing the Internet in several countries, the numbers are far from satisfactory. Almost 65% of the global population is excluded from the Web, over 4.5 billion people. From the infographic below we can extract a few intriguing trends and analyses. Internet penetration over 90% occurs only in 6 countries, increasing to 22 if we consider the penetration over 80%.

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Why is digital inclusion essential?

by Caetano Notari May 25, 2012 Digital Inclusion
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Over the last years, we have seen the usage of the Internet skyrocketing globally. As most of us take for granted our access to the Web, we usually forget that the largest part of our world is not yet connected. A quick search on the Web illustrates this easily: out of the 6.9 Billion people in the planet, 67% do NOT use the Internet regularly. Over 4.6 billion people have yet to connect. And do not think that only people […]

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